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New REQUIREMENT to Display the 10 Commandments In Classrooms is Coming to Louisiana

New REQUIREMENT to Display the 10 Commandments In Classrooms is Coming to Louisiana
Image Credit: United Liberty

Louisiana is on the brink of passing a controversial mandate requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom that receives state funding. House Bill 71, authored by GOP State Rep. Dodie Horton, has already cleared the State Senate and awaits approval in the House before heading to Gov. Jeff Landry’s desk for signature. This measure has sparked significant debate, with strong arguments both for and against its implementation.

Proponents’ Perspective

Proponents Perspective 1
Image Credit: United Liberty

Supporters of House Bill 71 argue that the Ten Commandments have historical significance. Republican State Sen. Adam Bass claims, “The Ten Commandments is a historical document that merits a place of prominence in classrooms.” Advocates cite the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, which favored a high school football coach who led prayers after games, suggesting this precedent supports their case.

Legal Concerns
Image Credit: United Liberty

However, critics argue that this bill faces substantial legal challenges. House Bill 71 potentially violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, which prohibits the government from endorsing a specific religion. Requiring the display of a religious text in public schools, where attendance is compulsory, can be seen as government endorsement of a particular religious doctrine, which raises constitutional concerns.

Role of Education

Role of Education
Image Credit: United Liberty

Opponents also question the appropriateness of using state-run schools to teach religious morals. They argue that moral education should be the responsibility of parents and religious institutions, not public schools. Democratic State Sen. Royce Duplessis emphasized this point, stating, “I didn’t have to learn the Ten Commandments in schools. We went to Sunday school. You want your kids to learn about the Ten Commandments, take them to church.”

Financial Implications

Financial Implications
Image Credit: United Liberty

Proponents of the bill highlight that taxpayers will not fund the displays; instead, schools will raise funds from their communities. However, the inevitable legal battles to defend the law will likely cost taxpayers significant amounts. Organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union have already pledged to challenge the law, raising questions about whether the financial burden of defending this legislation is justified.

Educational Priorities

Educational Priorities
Image Credit: United Liberty

Critics argue that Louisiana’s lawmakers should focus on improving the state’s struggling education system rather than engaging in ideological battles. Louisiana ranks last among all states in terms of education quality. Nearly 25 percent of high school students in Louisiana do not graduate, and the state ranks 49th in the percentage of students who go on to graduate from college. Addressing these educational deficiencies should be a higher priority.

Separation of Church and State

Separation of Church and State
Image Credit: United Liberty

The separation of church and state has been a fundamental principle in the United States since its founding. This principle ensures that the government remains neutral on religious matters, preserving individual religious freedom. Critics of House Bill 71 argue that maintaining this separation is crucial, particularly in public education, to prevent government endorsement of specific religious beliefs.

Community and Parental Roles

Community and Parental Roles
Image Credit: United Liberty

Instilling moral values in children is undeniably important, but critics believe this responsibility should lie with parents and religious communities, not the government. Public schools should focus on providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in adulthood. Ensuring that moral and religious education comes from parents and community institutions respects the diversity of beliefs in society.

Potential Consequences

Potential Consequences 4
Image Credit: United Liberty

If House Bill 71 passes, it will likely face immediate legal challenges, diverting resources from other educational needs. The legal battles could be lengthy and costly, with taxpayers footing the bill. This controversy underscores the importance of prioritizing educational improvements over legislative measures that may not withstand judicial scrutiny.

Constitutional Violations?

Constitutional Violations
Image Credit: United Liberty

The proposed requirement to display the Ten Commandments in Louisiana classrooms has ignited a heated debate about the role of religion in public education and the separation of church and state. While proponents see it as a way to honor historical values, critics warn of constitutional violations and misplaced priorities. As the state navigates this contentious issue, it must balance the need to respect religious diversity with the urgent need to improve its education system.

Legal and Financial Consequences
Image Credit: United Liberty

What are your thoughts? How does the proposed mandate to display the Ten Commandments align with the principle of separation of church and state? What are the potential legal and financial consequences of defending this legislation in court?

Alternative Strategies

Alternative Strategies
Image Credit: United Liberty

How might the display of religious texts in public classrooms impact students from diverse religious backgrounds? What alternative strategies could Louisiana lawmakers pursue to improve the state’s education system?

Tony Bonnani
Written By

Tony is a freelance writer for United Liberty focusing on trending news and was recently called "one of the most prolific writers on the internet". You can email him at

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