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Illegal Immigrants are ‘Attacking the Wages’ of Hard-working Americans

Illegal Immigrants are ‘Attacking the Wages’ of Hard working Americans
Image Credit: United Liberty

President Donald Trump’s campaign has reignited the debate over the economic impact of illegal immigration, arguing that Democratic policies are causing significant financial harm to American workers. The Trump campaign’s latest statements highlight the ways in which illegal migrants are allegedly driving down wages and taking opportunities away from hardworking Americans, particularly in vulnerable communities.

Trump Campaign’s Stance

Trump Campaigns Stance
Image Credit: United Liberty

In a statement, the Trump campaign criticized President Joe Biden’s immigration policies, claiming they are “flooding America’s labor pool with millions of low-wage illegal migrants who are directly attacking the wages and opportunities of hard-working Americans.” Campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt emphasized that these policies are especially harmful to African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and union workers who see their jobs and public resources diverted to support illegal immigrants.

Economic Arguments

Economic Arguments
Image Credit: United Liberty

The campaign’s populist approach aims to connect with swing voters by focusing on the economic disadvantages of high immigration rates. They argue that Biden’s policies of granting work permits to migrants while their legal residency requests are pending lead to a surplus of low-wage workers, which depresses wages for American citizens.

Academic Perspectives

Academic Perspectives
Image Credit: United Liberty

The Washington Post article discussed by the Trump campaign presents a range of academic views on the issue. Harvard economist George Borjas has found that a 10 percent increase in the number of immigrants in a specific group can lower that group’s wages by 3 to 4 percent. However, other economists, like Michael Clemens from George Mason University, argue that immigrants complement American workers, enhancing overall productivity.

Media Coverage

Media Coverage
Image Credit: United Liberty

While some media outlets downplay the negative economic impacts of high migration, others highlight the issues. The Wall Street Journal reported a modest increase in net worth adjusted for inflation during Biden’s first three years compared to Trump’s tenure. In contrast, stories like that of Silvana, a migrant from Ecuador earning $15,000 a year, illustrate the struggle of low-wage workers and the broader implications for the American economy.

Broader Economic Impact

Broader Economic Impact
Image Credit: United Liberty

Since the 1990s, the U.S. government has employed “Extraction Migration” policies to bolster the consumer economy by importing labor from other countries. These policies have had numerous consequences:

  • Depressed Wages: The influx of low-wage workers has driven down wages for American workers, particularly in low-skilled jobs.
  • Economic Displacement: Many native-born Americans have been pushed out of traditional career paths, reducing their economic and political influence.
  • Subsidized Low-Productivity Companies: Companies benefit from cheap labor, but this often results in lower productivity and innovation.
  • Increased Cost of Living: The demand for housing and public services has increased, raising costs and straining resources.

Impact on the Heartland States

Impact on the Heartland States
Image Credit: United Liberty

The economic policy disproportionately affects heartland states by funneling jobs and wealth to coastal areas. These regions attract a large number of low-wage workers, renters, and consumers who depend on government aid, thus benefiting coastal investors and government agencies at the expense of middle America.

International Comparisons

International Comparisons
Image Credit: United Liberty

The economic and social impact of high immigration is not unique to the United States. Similar policies in Canada and the United Kingdom have led to comparable challenges, including increased strain on public resources, reduced wages for native workers, and heightened social tensions.

Humanitarian Concerns

Humanitarian Concerns 1
Image Credit: United Liberty

The policy has also led to tragic humanitarian consequences. The journey through dangerous areas like the Darien Gap in Panama has resulted in the deaths of many migrants. The high-risk routes underscore the desperation of individuals seeking better opportunities and the severe risks involved.

Renewed Focus

Renewed Focus
Image Credit: United Liberty

The Trump campaign’s renewed focus on the economic impact of illegal immigration underscores a significant and ongoing debate in American politics. As the country grapples with the complexities of immigration policy, the balance between economic benefits and the protection of American workers remains a contentious issue. The upcoming election will likely see further discussions and policy proposals aimed at addressing these critical concerns.

Impact on Different Sectors of the Economy

Impact on Different Sectors of the Economy
Image Credit: United Liberty

What do you think? How can the government balance the need for labor with the protection of American workers’ wages and job opportunities? What are the ethical considerations of immigration policies that prioritize economic benefits over humanitarian concerns? How do high immigration rates impact different sectors of the economy, and what strategies can be used to mitigate negative effects?

Benefit to the Economy and the Social Fabric

Benefit to the Economy and the Social Fabric
Image Credit: United Liberty

 What role should local and state governments play in managing the economic impacts of immigration in their communities? How can policymakers ensure that immigration policies benefit both the economy and the social fabric of the nation?

Source: Breitbart

Tony Bonnani
Written By

Tony is a freelance writer for United Liberty focusing on trending news and was recently called "one of the most prolific writers on the internet". You can email him at

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