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Former CDC Director Said, “They ALL Lied to Us and MUST Come Clean” on Covid Vaccine Cover-up

Former CDC Director Said, They ALL Lied to Us and MUST Come Clean on Covid Vaccine Cover up
Image Credit: Redacted

The ongoing debate over the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a dramatic turn with recent revelations from Robert Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Redfield has openly stated that health officials must come clean about the harm caused by the COVID-19 vaccine to healthy individuals. This admission has sparked a wave of backlash and raised serious questions about the transparency and honesty of public health messaging throughout the pandemic.

The Claims

The Claims
Image Credit: Redacted

During an appearance on Chris Cuomo’s show, Redfield expressed regret over the lack of transparency and the harm caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. He emphasized that while the vaccines may have saved lives among the most vulnerable populations, they also caused significant side effects in healthy individuals, particularly those who were young and under 50 years old. This statement has intensified scrutiny over how much was known about the vaccine’s risks and benefits at the time of its rollout.

Misleading Data

Misleading Data
Image Credit: Redacted

Representative Thomas Massie brought to light a critical issue regarding the CDC’s data on vaccine efficacy. He revealed that the CDC published data claiming that the COVID-19 vaccine was 92% effective for individuals who had previously contracted COVID-19. However, there was no clinical trial data to support this claim. Despite Massie’s efforts to have this misinformation corrected, the CDC was slow to respond and reluctant to amend their published data.

Lack of Accountability

Lack of Accountability
Image Credit: United Liberty

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents related to Massie’s inquiry produced over a thousand pages, most of which were heavily redacted. This lack of transparency has fueled further distrust in the CDC and other health authorities. Massie criticized the CDC for what he described as deliberate insolence and an ongoing cover-up.

Known Issues with Vaccines

Known Issues with Vaccines
Image Credit: United Liberty

Numerous reports and studies support the former CDC director’s acknowledgment that vaccines caused significant side effects. Early on, it was evident that vaccines were not extensively tested for their impact on individuals who had previously contracted COVID-19. Additionally, data has shown that natural immunity from prior infection provides robust protection, a fact that public health officials downplayed during the vaccine rollout.

Masking and Lockdowns

Masking and Lockdowns
Image Credit: Redacted

The conversation also touched on the ineffective and sometimes harmful policies of masking and lockdowns. Studies and historical data have long suggested that prolonged mask usage could be detrimental, particularly due to CO2 inhalation risks and other health issues. Similarly, lockdowns had well-documented negative impacts on mental health, domestic violence rates, and children’s education. These policies, implemented under the guise of public safety, often lacked a robust scientific basis and ignored known risks.

Media and Government Role

Media and Government Role
Image Credit: United Liberty

Throughout the pandemic, media and government agencies maintained a narrative that often excluded or suppressed dissenting voices and alternative data. This has led to a significant erosion of public trust. The former CDC director’s statements highlight the need for greater accountability and transparency from health officials and media outlets.

The Aftermath

The Aftermath
Image Credit: United Liberty

As more information comes to light, it becomes increasingly clear that significant portions of the public were misled about the risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccines, masking, and lockdowns. The insistence on a single narrative prevented a full understanding of the pandemic and hindered informed decision-making. The call for officials to “come clean” is a demand for honesty and transparency that many feel is long overdue.

The Need for Transparency

The Need for Transparency
Image Credit: United Liberty

The revelations from the former CDC director underscore the critical need for transparency and accountability in public health. As the world continues to deal with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential that health officials and media outlets address the misinformation and cover-ups that have eroded public trust. Only through honest and open communication can we hope to restore faith in our public health institutions and ensure better responses to future health crises.

Rapid Vaccine Deployment

Rapid Vaccine Deployment
Image Credit: United Liberty

What are your thoughts? What steps can be taken to ensure greater transparency and accountability in public health messaging? How can we balance the need for rapid vaccine deployment with thorough testing and risk assessment?

Erosion of Public Trust

Erosion of Public Trust
Image Credit: United Liberty

What are the long-term impacts of the erosion of public trust in health institutions due to misinformation? How should public health officials handle dissenting opinions and alternative data in future health crises? What lessons can be learned from the handling of Covid-19 that can be applied to future pandemic responses?

Source: Redacted

Tony Bonnani
Written By

Tony is a freelance writer for United Liberty focusing on trending news and was recently called "one of the most prolific writers on the internet". You can email him at

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