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New Report Finds Soros Funds $81M to Censor Election Speech Online

New Report Finds Soros Funds $81M to Censor Election Speech Online
Image Credit: Forbes

A recent report has unveiled that billionaire leftist George Soros has funneled $81 million into efforts to censor election-related speech online. The Media Research Center (MRC) disclosed that a media group funded by Soros, called Free Press, is spearheading a global campaign to pressure Big Tech platforms to increase censorship ahead of the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

Free Press and the Push for Censorship

Free Press and the Push for Censorship
Image Credit: United Liberty

Free Press, which MRC describes as an activist organization masquerading as a journalism entity, has used its substantial resources to urge the federal government and Big Tech companies to silence conservative voices. According to MRC, Free Press boasted about its involvement in getting former President Donald Trump banned from Twitter and has been instrumental in orchestrating a coalition of over 200 civil society organizations, researchers, and journalists to demand greater censorship from companies like Google, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly Twitter), and TikTok.

Soros’s Financial Influence

Soross Financial Influence
Image Credit: Forbes

Between 2016 and 2022, Soros reportedly pumped $80.7 million into at least 45 of the signatory groups backing the Free Press-led initiative. This financial backing is seen as part of a broader strategy to suppress speech that challenges leftist ideologies, particularly as 60 countries, including the U.S., prepare for elections in 2024.

Demands to Big Tech

Demands to Big Tech
Image Credit: United Liberty

The coalition’s letter to Big Tech companies calls for six key actions, starting with reinstating election-integrity policies to moderate content related to what they term the “Big Lie” – the belief that the 2020 election was stolen. The Brennan Center for Justice, a co-signatory funded by Soros, supports this definition. The letter emphasizes the need for swift action to protect democracy, though critics argue it primarily aims to stifle dissenting views.

Targeting Free Speech

Targeting Free Speech
Image Credit: Forbes

One of the most heavily funded groups by Soros, Global Witness, received $20.3 million between 2016 and 2022. This organization has a history of pressuring social media platforms to ramp up censorship, especially during election periods. Another notable recipient, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), garnered $3.1 million and was recently exposed for creating a “hate groups” blacklist targeting conservative and faith-based organizations.

Implications for the 2024 Election

Implications for the 2024 Election
Image Credit: United Liberty

MRC warns that the real goal of these efforts is to interfere with the 2024 U.S. election by silencing conservative voices. The use of Big Tech platforms to implement these censorship measures is seen as a direct attack on free speech, a cornerstone of democratic society. The report suggests that Soros’s funding is part of a larger scheme to influence election outcomes by controlling the flow of information online.

Free Press’s Track Record

Free Presss Track Record
Image Credit: United Liberty

Free Press has a long history of pushing for increased government control over the Internet. In 2015, the organization played a crucial role in influencing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt stringent “Net Neutrality” rules. These regulations, supported by Soros funding, aimed to classify the Internet as a public utility, granting the government unprecedented control over Internet service providers.

A Call for Nationwide Prohibition

A Call for Nationwide Prohibition
Image Credit: United Liberty

Larry Keane, senior vice president and general counsel at the National Shooting Sports Foundation, emphasized the need for nationwide action to prohibit these censorship practices. He argued that without federal legislation, gun owners and free speech advocates in states like California and Colorado would continue to face intrusive policies that threaten their constitutional rights.

Significant Concerns Raised

Significant Concerns Raised
Image Credit: Forbes

As the 2024 elections approach, the influence of Soros’s funding on efforts to censor election-related speech online raises significant concerns. The push for increased censorship under the guise of protecting democracy is seen by many as a strategy to silence opposition and control the narrative. With millions of dollars already invested and more initiatives likely on the horizon, the battle over free speech and election integrity is set to intensify.

Protecting Fundamental Rights

Protecting Fundamental Rights
Image Credit: Forbes

What are your thoughts? What are the potential long-term implications of allowing private organizations and individuals to influence Big Tech companies’ content moderation policies? How can societies balance the need to prevent harmful misinformation online with protecting the fundamental right to free speech?

Maintaining Election Integrity

Maintaining Election Integrity
Image Credit: Forbes

What measures can be put in place to ensure that efforts to maintain election integrity do not inadvertently suppress legitimate political discourse? To what extent should the financial influence of wealthy individuals or organizations be regulated in the context of shaping public policy and discourse?

Tony Bonnani
Written By

Tony is a freelance writer for United Liberty focusing on trending news and was recently called "one of the most prolific writers on the internet". You can email him at

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