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His Biopic Premiered at the Cannes Film Festival — and the Former President is NOT HAPPY

His Biopic Premiered at the Cannes Film Festival — and the Former President is NOT HAPPY
Image Credit: United Liberty

The new biopic, “The Apprentice,” has just premiered at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, and it has already stirred up significant controversy. The film, which chronicles the early years of former President Donald Trump’s career, has not been well-received by Trump and his team. They have announced plans to file a lawsuit, alleging defamation and sensationalism.

The Film’s Focus

The Films Focus
Image Credit: Entertainment Tonight

“The Apprentice” centers on a young Donald Trump’s rise in the real estate world of New York. The film stars Sebastian Stan as Trump, depicting his mentorship under lawyer Roy Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong. It also explores his relationship with his first wife, Ivana Trump, portrayed by Maria Bakalova, and includes his father, Fred Trump, played by Martin Donovan.

Exclusions and Inclusions

Exclusions and Inclusions
Image Credit: United Liberty

While the film hints at Trump’s political ambitions, it notably excludes his presidential campaigns and his tenure in the White House. It also does not cover the NBC reality TV show of the same name. However, it does include controversial scenes, such as a depiction of Trump raping Ivana Trump during an argument, an allegation she had disavowed during Trump’s presidential run in 2015.

Trumps Legal Response
Image Credit: United Liberty

Trump’s team is preparing to take legal action against the filmmakers. Steven Cheung, Trump’s campaign communications director, told Newsweek, “We will be filing a lawsuit to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers.” He criticized the film as “pure fiction” and “malicious defamation,” labeling it an attempt at election interference by Hollywood elites.

Ivana Trump’s Rebuttal

Ivana Trumps Rebuttal
Image Credit: ABC News

Ivana Trump, who passed away in 2022, had previously denied the rape allegation from her 1990 divorce deposition. In a 2015 statement, she clarified that the story was “totally without merit” and highlighted her positive relationship with Donald Trump. This historical context further complicates the biopic’s narrative and the resulting backlash.

Additional Controversial Scenes

Additional Controversial Scenes
Image Credit: United Liberty

The film also portrays Trump receiving oral sex while married to Ivana, slipping on ice, undergoing liposuction, and having scalp reduction surgery. These scenes contribute to the film’s sensational nature, drawing more ire from Trump and his supporters.

Director’s Intentions

Directors Intentions
Image Credit: United Liberty

“The Apprentice” received an eight-minute standing ovation at Cannes. Director Ali Abbasi explained his motivation behind the project, stating, “There is no nice, metaphorical way to deal with the rising wave of fascism.” Abbasi emphasized the importance of confronting such issues directly, arguing that good people have been quiet for too long.

Script and Funding

Script and Funding
Image Credit: United Liberty

The script was written by Gabriel Sherman, known for his biography of Fox News founder Roger Ailes. The film’s production faced numerous challenges, including the loss of financial backers following the Capitol riot and Ivana Trump’s death. Despite these setbacks, the project was completed with support from the Canadian, Irish, and Danish governments.

Market Prospects

Market Prospects
Image Credit: United Liberty

Heading into Cannes, the film was being marketed by Rocket Science, CAA, and WME, aiming for U.S. distribution before the November election. The timing suggests a strategic release to influence public opinion during the election season.

Significant Controversy

Significant Controversy
Image Credit: United Liberty

“The Apprentice” has sparked significant controversy and legal threats even before its wide release. With its provocative portrayal of Donald Trump’s early life and career, the film has polarized audiences and intensified the ongoing debate about the former president’s legacy. As the lawsuit unfolds and the film reaches broader audiences, it remains to be seen how this biopic will impact the public’s perception of Donald Trump.

Ethical Implications

Ethical Implications
Image Credit: United Liberty

What do you think? What are the ethical implications of creating a biopic that includes contested and sensational allegations about real people? How might the release of “The Apprentice” influence public opinion during an election year?

Artistic Expression and Factual Accuracy

Artistic Expression and Factual Accuracy
Image Credit: United Liberty

What are the legal challenges involved in depicting real-life figures in films, especially those who are still alive and politically active? How do filmmakers balance artistic expression with factual accuracy when creating biographical films?

Tony Bonnani
Written By

Tony is a freelance writer for United Liberty focusing on trending news and was recently called "one of the most prolific writers on the internet". You can email him at

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