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China Is Sneaking Military Personnel Into the U.S. Via Mexican Border

China Is Sneaking Military Personnel Into the U.S. Via Mexican Border
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

A recent video delved into the claims made by Mark Green, the Republican Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, who raised alarm about the potential threat posed by the influx of Chinese nationals with ties to the People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party. Here’s the full story.

The Massive Surge

The Massive Surge
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

Green’s claims, made in July 2023, suggest a “massive surge” of encounters with Chinese nationals at the border, many of whom are single military-aged men.

The Statistics by News Outlets

Image Credit: United Liberty

The video examined the credibility of Green’s claims and the underlying motivations driving the increased flow of Chinese nationals into the U.S. via Mexico. It shared data from News outlets like Newsweek and CBS which provided data on the dramatic increase in arrests of Chinese citizens, with some figures reaching 37,000 in 2023.

The Credibility of the Claims

The Credibility of the Claims
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

While Green’s claims are supported by some independent analysts, such as Dr. Rebecca Grant from IRIS Independent Research, the host shared that skeptics question the validity of his sources and the lack of concrete evidence provided.

When questioned, Green says that the intel came from a high-ranking border official, but offered little else.

The Gotaways

The Gotaways
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

The host shared that reports suggest a significant number of individuals, estimated at 1.8 million, have successfully crossed the US-Mexico border undetected between 2021 and 2024.

Referred to as “gotaways,” these individuals raise concerns about potential espionage activities. However, the host added that it’s essential to approach this issue with caution. While China has a history of espionage, not every case is clear-cut.

The Border Arrests

The Border Arrests
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

The video explored why and how Chinese nationals are sneaking into the U.S. The host shared that by September 2023, Chinese nationals were the 9th most common nationality arrested at the border, excluding those from Mexico, and Central and South America. Most of those arrested were single adults.

The Reason for the Move

The Reason for the Move
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

Deeper research revealed that many Chinese citizens undertaking the perilous journey to the US border are driven by factors beyond spying. Economic hardships, worsened by President Xi Jinping’s stringent lockdown measures, have left many jobless and disillusioned with the state of the economy.

Issue of Religious Persecution

Issue of Religious Persecution
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

Moreover, the video added that religious persecution further fueled the issue, with reports of severe restrictions targeting Christians and Muslims. The dire situation in China has prompted many individuals to seek refuge in countries with greater freedoms, including the United States.

How the Move Is Done

How the Move Is Done
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

The video shared that a Chinese college grad interviewed by CBS reporter Sharyn Alfonsi revealed it took him 40 days to travel from China to LA. He crossed through a list of countries, including Thailand, Morocco, and several Central American nations before reaching the border.

A Difficult Journey

Image Credit: United Liberty

Alfonsi also reported that many, especially middle-class migrants, fly to Ecuador first. It’s visa-free for Chinese citizens, so all they need is a passport and proof they’re leaving soon (usually a fake plane ticket to Mexico). Once in Tijuana, they might connect with “snakeheads” – human smugglers who help them to sneak into the U.S.

What’s America Doing

Whats America Doing
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

The video added that although the vast majority of Chinese immigrants just want a better life, a small number could be using this as a cover. So, how’s America stopping this?

The video shared that one strategy used by US authorities involved pressuring China to accept its citizens who are subject to deportation from the US. While this approach aimed to address security concerns, it risks sweeping up both legitimate asylum seekers and individuals with ulterior motives.

Spotting Individuals at the Border

Spotting Individuals at the Border
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

Another approach was spotting these individuals at the border. The video added that Homeland Security shared they use fingerprints, facial scans, and personal details to check everyone for criminal or terrorist ties. Anyone raising red flags gets detained.

The CBP website explained the facial recognition process. Migrants stand in front of a camera linked to a massive database of travel documents. A match usually means they proceed for further inspection.

A Murkier Solution

A Murkier Solution
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

But what about the 1.8 million who slipped through in the last three years according to the AFPI?

The video shared that the solution here was murkier. Homeland Security mentioned closing legal loopholes exploited by smugglers but offered no specifics.

A National Security Threat

A National Security Threat
Image Credit: YouTube/The Military Show

The video concluded by sharing that China has been trying to sneak military personnel into the U.S. through Mexico but the numbers are likely small compared to the total number of immigrants. However, experts like Green see this as a serious national security threat that needs to be addressed.

Share Your Thoughts

Share Your Thoughts
Image Credit: United Liberty

So what do you think? How big of an issue do you feel Chinese military personnel sneaking into the U.S. via Mexico is?


Mercedes Kelley
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