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‘Big Ruling’ — Millions of Americans Get 2nd Amendment Rights Back

'Big Ruling' — Millions of Americans Get 2nd Amendment Rights Back
Image Credit: United Liberty

In a landmark decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that banning all felons from owning guns is unconstitutional. This ruling has the potential to restore Second Amendment rights to millions of Americans, particularly those with non-violent felony convictions. Let’s delve into the details and implications of this significant legal development.

The Case of Steven Duarte

The Case of Steven Duarte
Image Credit: United Liberty

The case that sparked this monumental ruling involved Steven Duarte, a California man with a history of five non-violent felony convictions, including vandalism, drug possession, and evading police. Despite serving his time, Duarte was barred from owning a firearm under federal law, which prohibits anyone convicted of a crime punishable by over a year in prison from possessing a gun.

The Incident Leading to the Ruling

The Incident Leading to the Ruling
Image Credit: United Liberty

In March 2020, Duarte was arrested again after being seen tossing a handgun out of a car window during a traffic stop. This incident led to a four-year prison sentence, which Duarte subsequently appealed. His appeal resulted in a groundbreaking decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which found the blanket ban on gun ownership for all felons to be unconstitutional.

The Ninth Circuit’s Ruling

The Ninth Circuits Ruling
Image Credit: United Liberty

Earlier this month, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Duarte’s favor, stating that a blanket ban on gun ownership for all felons, regardless of the nature of their crimes, is unconstitutional. The court’s majority opinion, written by Senior Circuit Judge Carlos Bea, emphasized that the Second Amendment’s protection extends to all American citizens, including those with non-violent felony convictions.

The Influence of the Bruen Framework

The Influence of the Bruen Framework
Image Credit: United Liberty

The court’s decision was heavily influenced by the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court case, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, which established a two-step process for determining the constitutionality of gun laws. This process requires courts to first determine whether the Second Amendment’s text covers the individual’s conduct and, if so, whether the law in question aligns with the nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.

Government’s Argument and Court’s Rebuttal

Governments Argument and Courts Rebuttal
Image Credit: United Liberty

In Duarte’s case, the court found that he was part of “the people” protected by the Second Amendment. The government attempted to argue that felons like Duarte should be excluded from this protection due to their lack of “virtue.” However, the court did not agree with this view. The burden then fell to the government to prove that the historical tradition of firearm regulation supported their position, which they failed to do.

Broader Implications of the Ruling

Broader Implications of the Ruling
Image Credit: United Liberty

This ruling from the Ninth Circuit, known for being one of the most liberal appellate courts, is particularly significant. The court’s jurisdiction covers western states, including California, as well as Hawaii and Alaska, impacting approximately 80 million people. With about 8% of the U.S. population being felons, this decision opens the door for millions to potentially regain their right to bear arms.

Circuit Split and Future Supreme Court Involvement

Circuit Split and Future Supreme Court Involvement
Image Credit: United Liberty

The ruling contributes to a growing “circuit split” among federal appellate courts regarding the Second Amendment rights of felons. While the Ninth and Third Circuits have ruled in favor of restoring these rights to non-violent felons, the Tenth Circuit has upheld the restrictions. This discrepancy makes it likely that the U.S. Supreme Court will eventually need to address the issue to establish a uniform national standard.

Legal and Social Considerations
Image Credit: United Liberty

While this ruling is celebrated by many, it also raises important questions and concerns. Public safety is a primary concern, as the restoration of gun rights to non-violent felons could potentially impact crime rates. The legal system must balance individual rights with societal safety, determining how best to implement this ruling and establish criteria for restoring gun rights.

A Pivotal Moment

A Pivotal Moment 2
Image Credit: United Liberty

The Ninth Circuit’s decision marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate over Second Amendment rights in America. By ruling that a blanket ban on felons owning guns is unconstitutional, the court has underscored the importance of individual rights and set the stage for significant legal and social discussions. As the nation watches closely, the impact of this ruling will undoubtedly shape the future of gun rights and public policy.

Criteria to Use

Criteria to Use
Image Credit: United Liberty

What do you think? How should the legal system balance individual rights and public safety when it comes to gun ownership? What criteria should be used to determine which felons can have their gun rights restored?

Impact on Crime Rates

Impact on Crime Rates
Image Credit: United Liberty

How might this ruling impact crime rates and overall public safety? Should there be a distinction between violent and non-violent felons regarding the restoration of Second Amendment rights? How can the legal system ensure that restored gun rights are not misused?

Source: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Tony Bonnani
Written By

Tony is a freelance writer for United Liberty focusing on trending news and was recently called "one of the most prolific writers on the internet". You can email him at

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