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Two Doctors DESTROY Dr. Fauci for Failure, Lies and Coverups

Two Doctors DESTROY Dr. Fauci for Failure, Lies and Coverups
Image Credit: United Liberty

Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recently faced a fierce grilling before the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Two Congressmen, who are also respected physicians, Dr. Rich McCormick and Dr. Ronny Jackson, confronted Fauci over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing issues such as vaccine rollout, public health guidelines, and the origins of the virus.

Vaccine Pressure Controversy

Vaccine Pressure Controversy
Image Credit: United Liberty

In an audiobook interview with Michael Specter, Fauci suggested making life difficult for people to encourage vaccination. This statement, played during the hearing, highlighted his belief that schools, universities, and large corporations should mandate vaccinations, effectively coercing individuals into compliance.

Erosion of Trust

Erosion of Trust
Image Credit: United Liberty

Dr. McCormick criticized Fauci for undermining the American public’s trust in the healthcare system. He argued that Fauci’s actions, driven by personal interest, led to widespread skepticism and resistance, which ultimately harmed the credibility of public health institutions that Fauci had represented for decades.

Frontline Experience

Frontline Experience
Image Credit: United Liberty

Dr. McCormick, who treated thousands of patients during the pandemic, shared his frustration with being censored and having his medical license threatened for disagreeing with bureaucratic guidelines. He emphasized the disconnect between bureaucrats and frontline healthcare providers, arguing that hands-on experience is crucial in understanding and managing the pandemic.

Ideological Impositions

Ideological Impositions
Image Credit: United Liberty

Dr. Jackson challenged Fauci on his stance that vaccine objections were primarily ideological. He pointed out cases like that of ESPN’s Allison Williams, who lost her job due to a vaccine mandate despite medical advice against vaccination for fertility reasons. This, Jackson argued, exemplified how mandates disregarded individual medical circumstances and autonomy.

Failure to Treat Patients

Failure to Treat Patients
Image Credit: United Liberty

During the testimony, it was revealed that Fauci had not treated COVID-19 patients directly, which fueled criticisms from Dr. McCormick and Dr. Jackson. They argued that Fauci’s lack of hands-on experience with patients further discredited his authority to dictate treatment protocols and public health policies.

Accusations of Fear-Mongering

Accusations of Fear Mongering
Image Credit: United Liberty

Dr. Jackson accused Fauci of using fear to enforce public health measures like mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates. He argued that these actions eroded public trust and instilled long-lasting fear and division within the American populace, impacting education, the economy, and societal cohesion.

Allegations of Cover-Up

Allegations of Cover Up
Image Credit: United Liberty

Dr. Jackson accused Fauci of covering up the origins of COVID-19 and concealing information related to the virus’s potential lab origins. He highlighted testimony from Dr. Lawrence Tabak and other evidence suggesting that NIH funded gain-of-function research, which Fauci allegedly attempted to hide.

Call for Accountability

Call for Accountability
Image Credit: United Liberty

Both doctors emphasized the need for continued investigations and accountability. Dr. Jackson accused Fauci of failing to preserve public trust and prioritizing personal interests over the well-being of the American people. He insisted that the committee would persist in seeking answers and transparency.

No Consequences

No Consequences
Image Credit: United Liberty

People in the comments shared their opinions: “I’ve lost track of the number of times he’s been up in front of Congress.  He lies and gets away with it.  There are never, nor will there ever be, consequences for what he did.  He got very rich, brought devastation to this country, and he’ll sail off into a charmed retirement.”

Another commenter added: “the worst is that almost everyone followed his rules , without knowing anything.  He equales a dictator in.Ww2 and his followers also look like a type of person , in the same period”

A Scathing Indictment

A Scathing Indictment
Image Credit: United Liberty

The testimony of Dr. Rich McCormick and Dr. Ronny Jackson against Dr. Anthony Fauci was a scathing indictment of his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. They accused him of lying, covering up vital information, and failing in his leadership role. As the fallout from the pandemic continues, the demand for accountability and transparency remains crucial in restoring public trust in the nation’s health institutions.

Combatting Misinformation

Combatting Misinformation
Image Credit: United Liberty

What are your thoughts? How should the government balance public health mandates with individual freedoms and personal medical choices? What mechanisms should be in place to ensure transparency and accountability among public health officials during a crisis? How can public health agencies combat misinformation and rebuild trust with the public after a significant erosion of credibility?
Find out more by watching the full video on Greg’s English & Politics YouTube channel here.

Tony Bonnani
Written By

Tony is a freelance writer for United Liberty focusing on trending news and was recently called "one of the most prolific writers on the internet". You can email him at

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