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NYC PANICS as BlackRock is Building a New Stock Market in Texas

NYC PANICS as BlackRock is Building a New Stock Market in Texas
Image Credit: How Money Works

In a groundbreaking move, BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, and Citadel Securities, the leading hedge fund, have announced plans to create a new stock exchange in Texas. This development could reshape the landscape of global financial markets and challenge the long-standing dominance of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ, as discussed in a recent video by How Money Works. As New York City braces for the potential impact, the new Texas Stock Exchange is already making waves.

The Major Announcement

The Major Announcement
Image Credit: How Money Works

Last week, BlackRock and Citadel Securities unveiled their plan to establish a new national stock exchange based in Dallas, Texas. This venture has already garnered significant financial backing, with $120 million raised from investors. The goal is to create a viable alternative to the NYSE and NASDAQ, which currently hold the top positions in global financial markets.

The Power Players

The Power Players
Image Credit: How Money Works

BlackRock and Citadel Securities are not newcomers to the financial world. With BlackRock managing $9 trillion in assets and Citadel being a major market maker, their involvement lends significant credibility and resources to the Texas Stock Exchange. This partnership aims to create a market that can compete with the entrenched financial giants of New York City.

Why Texas?

Why Texas
Image Credit: How Money Works

Texas offers several advantages for establishing a new stock exchange. It is home to over 50 Fortune 500 companies and is strategically located between the East and West coasts. Moreover, Texas boasts a more business-friendly environment compared to New York, which has been criticized for regulatory overreach. The new exchange promises fewer restrictions on listed companies, attracting businesses wary of stringent regulations.

The Regulatory Landscape

The Regulatory Landscape
Image Credit: How Money Works

One of the key selling points of the Texas Stock Exchange is its promise of fewer regulations. The new exchange is being dubbed Texas’s “anti-woke exchange” due to its stance against the regulatory burdens imposed by New York state laws. These regulations have deterred many companies from going public, contributing to a prolonged cold streak in initial public offerings (IPOs).

Impact on the Financial Ecosystem

Impact on the Financial Ecosystem
Image Credit: How Money Works

The creation of the Texas Stock Exchange could significantly impact the financial ecosystem. By offering lower fees and less stringent regulations, it aims to make going public more attractive for companies. If successful, this could challenge the market concentration currently held by the NYSE and NASDAQ and potentially lower listing fees and service prices across the board.

Potential Benefits for Texas

Potential Benefits for Texas
Image Credit: How Money Works

For Texas, the establishment of a major stock exchange could bring substantial economic benefits. It could attract high-paying jobs and further solidify Texas as a major business hub. Cities like Dallas could see an influx of financial professionals, boosting the local economy and enhancing the state’s reputation as a business-friendly environment.

Concerns and Challenges

Concerns and Challenges
Image Credit: How Money Works

Despite the potential benefits, there are concerns about the impact on local communities. The influx of high-paying jobs could exacerbate housing affordability issues, as seen in other rapidly growing cities. Additionally, there are worries about whether the benefits of this new exchange will trickle down to average Texans or primarily serve the interests of large financial institutions and their executives.

“Restrictions Are Not Regulations”

Restrictions Are Not Regulations
Image Credit: How Money Works

People in the comments shared their opinions: “I love how people consistently run away from their problems only to create the exact scenarios that perpetuate the problems they run away from. Good luck, Texas. You’re gonna need it.”

Another commenter said: “The key here is restrictions are not regulations. Regulations can prevent catastrophes. I wish them luck.”

One person concluded: “Blackrock single-handedly destroyed the market, and now it wants to build a new one? That sounds about as smart as the Treaty of Versailles”

Disrupting the Dominance

Disrupting the Dominance
Image Credit: How Money Works

The announcement of the Texas Stock Exchange by BlackRock and Citadel Securities marks a significant development in the financial world. As New York City watches closely, this new venture has the potential to disrupt the dominance of existing exchanges and reshape financial markets. Whether it will bring widespread benefits or primarily serve the interests of the financial elite remains to be seen.

Impact on NYSE’s Financial Dominance

Impact on NYSEs Financial Dominance
Image Credit: How Money Works

What do you think? How will the creation of the Texas Stock Exchange impact the financial dominance of the NYSE and NASDAQ? What regulatory challenges could the new exchange face, and how might it navigate them? How will the influx of high-paying financial jobs affect local housing markets and communities in Texas?

Check out the entire video for more information on the How Money Works YouTube channel here.

Tony Bonnani
Written By

Tony is a freelance writer for United Liberty focusing on trending news and was recently called "one of the most prolific writers on the internet". You can email him at

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